Well, the primaries are over. Get over it, already, Hillary. Now, the time has arrived for the real mud slinging to begin. To be honest, I love mud slinging. It's now that we find out which candidates have the cahonies to stand the withering hail. Hillary could have withstood it, but she's rapidly becoming irrelevant to the conversation at hand.
The "vast right wing conspiracy" and "left wing america haters" spin machines now shift into high gear. Hold on for a stormy ride in this one, folks. The candidates themselves will have little to say about each other that will be overly aggressive, it will be the supporters that will be stuffing rags into gas filled beer bottles this time. This is gonna hurt.
Our lives, if we wish, is filled with dialogue. We talk about the economy, the war, judges, gas prices, and, of course, we talk about race. I put the special influence in that sentence on race because apparently, I need to. I don't know why I need to, but i definitely need too. At least this is what I'm constantly told.
Ok, let's dialogue. Let's dialogue about all these things. We need to. Every time an issue on race comes up, we are told we need to have an open dialogue about the issue. We apparently, arent talking about it enough. Even though it appears on nearly every newscast I hear, I don't hear enough dialogue about it. Numerous Newspapers have pages about it in every issue,I dont read enuff about it. Television is loaded with Movies, Tv sitcoms, after school specials. etc. etc. etc., but I'm not getting enuff anti racism media exposure. Hmmmmm. Golly. Yeah, i agree, we need to dialogue about it, but as for myself, I ( and most of America ) get it.
Use my media.
Use my Newsrooms
Gotta hammer that message home.
But please.............. Don't call me stupid.
I may, indeed, be stupid. I'm not that stupid.
Race is an issue in this election, to deny it is either a bad attempt at political correctness or you are truly clueless ( Type Britney Spears into your browser now please).
The fact that Senator Obama is black is not an issue. He overwhelmingly won enough support, early enough in the primaries, to prove that America is ready and willing to elect a black candidate. Yeah, amongst small groups, that are becoming more irrelevant every day, you'll hear active groups disparage his skin color. If we are to be truly honest about the issue, than you have to agree that there are small groups out there that won't vote for a white man over a black man.
OK it's there, we see it.
The fact that the ugly spectre of racism had reared it's head in the Obama camp is disconcerting. The fact that his response these conroversial issues is so tepid reveals alot. He calls our dialogue about the reverand Wright issue a distraction.
A distraction?
What the hell?
I know I'm just a "typical white person" and there's absolutely no way I can understand the hardship and travails that our black friends have faced, but if I EVER called ANYBODY, a "typical black person", Iwould immediately be labeled racist. If I was an influential "typical white person", than I would be expected to release an apologetic statement, attend some form of rehab, and forever be hung with the rascist tag. I couldn't call it a distraction, and then be done with it, and neither can you, Sentor Obama.
You want the presidency. Unfortunately, you may get what you wish for.
After 30 plus years of being exposed to a constant flow of antiracism media flowing from my idiot box every day, I have been brainwashed. It worked. I'm not a racist. But now those 30 yrs of effective propaganda, have made me see you as a racist. Everything the media has taught me about what racism is, has revealed at you, sir, are a racist. By any standards portrayed to me in the newspapers and magazines of what racism is, then you sir, are a racist.
Now that the conversation on racism has turned against you, you want to regard it as a distraction and ignore it. You want to crumple it up and stuff it into your pocket and talk about other things. OK, do that.
But the dialogue will continue, senator. Every time you try to minimize it, the dialogue will grow larger. You don't get to choose which issues are irrevant distractions, sir.
We do.
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