John Edwards showed us all how willing and able he is to make a decision. He has endorsed Senator Barack Obama as his choice for the democrat party nominee to the presidency of the United States. The man, who once sought the nomination himself, has selflessly thrown his support behind the troubled candidacy of his former opponent. This guy has some cahonies.
To support a candidate with such lack of public appeal shows his ability to go against the overwhelming tide of Clinton support. Casting his lot with a candidate, who s doing so poorly in the polls, will surely be politically costly for him in the future. We need more men (and women) with a backbone of steel, like this guy has.
Surely, if the struggling Obama campaign can overcome what all the pundits view as a doomed political venture, then the would be candidate would owe a lot to John Edwards. But how can one pay back the one who insures his political future. The safety net, that is the Edwards endorsement, may not be enough to catch Senator Obama who's campaign finds itself in freefall. We all wait with baited breath.
Such a bold and risky move inspires us all. It makes me question my very manhood. Could I show the testicular fortitude it takes to select a nominee after 90 percent of the general population has already voted? I just don't know. So here I draw the line. I'm gonna make some risky endorsements now and a few predictions. I am not a political pundit and if I turn out to be wrong, at least I have that to hang my hat on.
OK.... here goes,
#1 I endorse Abraham Lincoln to get his 2nd term in office........gulp
#2 I endorse John F. Kennedy (a little known longshot from massachusetts) for the 1960
#3 I predict that the Berlin Wall will come down and Germany will be reunified.....tremble
#4 I predict that the Boston Red Sox will win BOTH the 2004 AND 2007 world series.
OK, mebbe that last one is asking way too much, but what the hell, John Edwards has inspired me.
I sincerely hope we can all from his brave stand. The democrats , especially, should take heart in this action. It shows that in 4, 8 or 12 years, they will have a strong candidate to wear the mantle of their nominee. God help us all
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