The votes of California citizens don't matter. This is what 4 judges sitting on the California Supreme Court have decided. Earlier this week the judges determined that gay marriage is to be legal, regardless of what you vote for. Apparently, you're too stupid to decide what the laws are to be in your own state. Hence, 4 men that you did not put into office , whose job it is to ENFORCE the laws and NOT CREATE them, have gone right ahead and legalized that which was formerly not legal.
As a resident of Massachusetts, I feel your pain. Our citizenry has gone over and above the state constitutional requirements to have the gay marriage issue placed on the ballot. The Massachusetts' senate , however has refused to place it on the ballot. When asked about this they either claim that they do not want to deny anyone their civil rights. I always thought that CIVIL rights were given by the people, not by judges. Another argument given is that there's no point in voting, because those who oppose gay marriage are an extreme (bigoted) fringe. If this is so, then let us vote for it........ we will OBVIOUSLY lose, and then it will be made into law, ending the controversy.
But here in Massachusetts, and I assume Kalifornia, we are used to not getting what we voted for. The Massachusetts senate has REPEATEDLY ignored the will of the voters. Well, I suppose, I need to be honest about this. They only ignore the votes on conservative issues. The Liberal issues.... they're fine. The ILLEGAL immigration issues.... they're fine too. I live in an american state where my vote and opinion has less value than that of an illegal immigrant.
Another reason why Mass keeps issues off the ballots that I care about, tax cuts, death penalty,illegal immigration , gun laws, etc, etc, etc is to keep voter turn out low. We conservatives in Mass realize that there's better than a 50 percent chance that we are going to be ignored, regardless of the election results, but if there's a hotbutton issue on the ballot, we just might show up. And since we are there anyway, we might as well vote for president too. Heck, we might as well vote for senators and congressmen too. That they want to avoid more than anything.
Petitions to get the gay marriage issue on the ballot were presented. Backers of the issue got double the required signatures requred by state law. When the petitions reached the upper echelons of state government, it was under stood that we had just enough senatorial backing to get it to the floor for debate. Debate would have only been the first step toward getting the gay marriage question placed on the ballot. When the vote for deabate came, Nancy Pelosi, and other burst into acton, contacting the local politicians, who were open to the concept of debate. Some of the politicians who were JUST voted into office, made their openness to debate, a cornerstone of their campaign.
Nobody In Massacusettes voted for San Fran Nan, yet, after some closed door meetings, these people that we did vote for, did a complete 180 and voted against the debate. Kalifornia, keep your own mistakes to yourselves, please, we have enough of our own.
There is some hope, howevr that the Kalifornia Satate Suprme court may just work against Pelosi and Newsome. If the question is placed on the ballot this November, it is conceivable that conservatives and republicans who are hesitant to vote for Senator McCain may find reason to make it to the polls anyway. And that is the silver lining.
Kalifornia and Taxachusetts are bastions of liberal supremacy, and both ignore voters, tax us to death, and give rights to those who never had them to begin with. I fear an Obama presidency. I fear my taxes going to more people that I don't want to support. I fear yet more freedoms being taken away in the name of political correctness. I fear the erosion of our proud country's sovereignty. We must overcome our unwillingnes to support McCain, and get to the polls. We must realize that the alternatives are unacceptable.
I live in a state that allows us to see the possible folly of the next 4 years and what could happen to America. We must go the polls to save our rights. They are in danger, regardless of what MSNBC tells you. We must............
Oh Oh
The PC police are coming down the street.
Remember, the Constitution matters!!!
They're in my driveway now!!!
Remember, citizens come first before aliens!!!
They're banging on the door!!!
Remember your opinions are more than just neocon talking points!!!
They're in the house, coming up the stairs!!!!!
Tell my wife, i lo........\